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Messages posted by: marc  XML
Profile for marc -> Messages posted by marc [4420] Go to Page: 1, 2, 3  ...  219, 220, 221 Next 
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where is L-6679 missing?
I see it here:

Best Regards


We have updated the postal codes for Luxembourg:

Best Regards

thanks. The entry has been deleted and the user has been blocked.
Hi Andreas

For Timor Leste I think we could put it into Asia in the countryInfo.txt file to reduce an inconsistency.

For Cyprus it is more difficult as it belongs both to Europe and Asia. Geographically is it closer to Asia and cultural and historically more to Europe.
The UN M49 standard puts Cyprus into Western Asia. At the other hand it is part of the EU and Eurozone, has close ties to Europe and is considered to be part of Europe in many other standards.
Having it modeled on both continents is not completely wrong.

Best Regards


Hi Jesse

Thanks a lot for your input. I have deleted the duplicate.
What prevented you from the deleting the feature? It did not have any particular locklevel and you should have been able to delete it with your account.

Best Regards


On the usps site there is no zip code 60049.

Monee, Il has 60449:

Best Regards

Hi Ibex

Admin divisions and populated places are two different kind of features. They also have different feature classes A vs P.
The admin division is reflecting an administrative function of an entity whereas the populated place is a geographical feature, the group of buildings seen on an aerial image. Sometimes it is difficult to determine where a location is PPL or PPLX (section). The PPL is the entire built-up area whereas the PPLX is a part of it. In the real world is is not always clear where a ppl ends and another begins, whether one is a section of the other or not.
And more important, we rely a lot on data feeds from national mapping agencies, statistical offices, postal services etc and they too have all their own definitions and classification systems. To unify this globally leads to inconsistencies, which are getting fewer and fewer as we are constantly improving.

Best Regards

thanks a lot for your input.
I did all the modifications you have suggested.

you are right there are more of these. Will fix them.

 select placename,zip from zip_code where countrycode='JP' and placename  ~ '^[0-9 \.\-\)]*$';
               placename              |   zip
  .2433-2450)                         | 399-4232
  3.431-12.443-6.608-2.641-8.814.842- | 066-0005
  10603-11015)                        | 891-0304
  2003.2051)                          | 863-1403
  1970.1974.1976.1983.1988-3.1990-5.  | 863-1403
  2257-28.2316-2318.2430-1-2431-75)   | 991-0801
  2925-7)                             | 871-0122
  2803-69.2803-77.2803-91.2818.2828.  | 871-0122
  2803-37.2803-38.2803-39.2803-43.    | 871-0122
  1-3-7)                              | 453-0002
  -2.5289-15)                         | 409-1321
  5351-5352.5355-5362.5364-5424.      | 630-8037
  5312.5314.5316-5327.5346.5349.      | 630-8037
  5276-4.5276-5.5277-5280.5284-       | 630-8037
  5239-5257.5263.5269-5271.5275.      | 630-8037
  5192-5196.5198-5212.5227-5229.      | 630-8037
  5463.5470.5472.5475.5482-5529)      | 630-8037
  5426.5429-5430.5445.5455.5461.      | 630-8037
  138.4203.4209.4215.4236-1.4238.4241 | 891-1275
  726-1.727.728.728-1.729.730.731.732 | 590-0158
  674.3701.3704.3723-3.4128.4132.4133 | 891-1275
  1896-2.1896-3.1906-8.1932-2.1936.   | 088-2686
  1936-2.1951-2.1956-2.1967-2.1980-2. | 088-2686
  1997-3.2000-2.2000-8.2003.2015-4.   | 088-2686
  2023-2.2038-2.2253-2.2253-5.2253-21 | 088-2686
  2253-24.2253-35.2253-63)            | 088-2686
  6114-6141.6328.6437.6438)           | 325-0304
 (27 rows)

an update to the api server has happened these days. Do you still see missing data?

Best Regards

we could add them with pseudolanguage code 'post' and the flag isHistoric.ü

However, I am not sure, how useful this would be.
Is anybody still referring to them, or are they referenced in old documents?
It could also lead to confusion for users who do not see the isHistoric flag.

Best Regards

when you have a csv spreadsheet with geonameid,population number we can run a batch update. Just attach to this thread.
fixed. thanks a lot for reporting.


fixed, thanks for reporting:


The adm5 are usually the official city districts with some administrative functions. Often there is also a related PPL entry, when the admin feature is also a distinct populated place feature.

For Bogenhausen we have two entries, a PPL and a ADM5:

For Aubing-Lochhausen-Langwied we have assumed the ADM5 is spanning several populated places. Thus each of the fractions has a PPL entry:

Sometimes the combined name also has a feature entry, for instance when the postal service use the name as placename and we need to refer to it somehow.

Best Regards

Hi Mirko

hm, annoying. The config is the same, but the openssl version is different. I have not yet figured out how to enable the old tls1.2
Can't you switch to the non-ssl endpoint as a workaround if you don't care about the newer ssl versions anyhow? Or to the premium end point

I assume it has good reasons that newer openssl versions no longer support older ciphers and tls versions.

Best Regards

as the camps are off the next street you have to increase the search radius by adding &radius=1000 to the query.

thanks. I have restored it.

Thanks a lot. There was an issue on one of the servers which needed a restart.

Best Regards

thanks for finding this.
looks like the romanization of 以下に掲載がない場合
which means 'if not listed below'.

Maybe we should the adm3 name instead, where available.
What do you think?

Best Regards

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