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Interest in FIPS and/or ISO 3166-2 coverage?  XML
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Joined: 18/12/2024 01:53:06
Messages: 3

First, let me say that Geonames is great. It's waaaaay better than trying to piece the same data together from Wikidata alone!

I have need for a comprehensive set of places with ISO 3166-1 codes (countries) and ISO 3166-2 codes (first-level administrative subdivisions). Geonames makes it easy to select all the places such that HAVE such codes, but does not seem to provide the codes themselves in all cases.

Let's imagine I am able to put together a mapping from geoname ID to ISO 3166-1 and ISO 3166-2 on my own. Would there be interest in contributing this data back?

Same questions for FIPS codes.
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