In modifications-2024-07-12.txt the Oromiya Region (444185) was updated.
in the update this ADM1 entry shows besides the correct admin1 value (51) also an admin2 and an admin3 value.
admin2: 7670715
admin3: 11257152
I cannot believe that these wrong admin values were really entered by a user.
2 reasons:
1) The admin1, admin2, admin3 combination already exists.
2) The same error (ADM1 entry updated with existing admin2 and/or admin3 values) occurs once or twice every week.
Therefore I rather believe that maybe there is some null value issue in the scripst/programs preparing the file (I had once a similar issue with DB2 null indicator arrays which were not properly initialized).
Yes, indeed. This happens quite frequently. It is not a technical glitch of the extract scripts, there was really a user doing this update.
I don't understand why they are doing this. Some kind of missunderstanding?
We can add a check to the gui update processing code and reject these kind of updates.