Joined: 26/05/2023 04:17:33
Messages: 1
Hey, I was looking at Japanese mountain data and I noticed that there are two mountains that are getting mixed up. Unfortunately, my user level is not high enough to be able to change the data myself, if I could raise that level I would be happy to fix this and fill out more information about the mountains that I love.
The problem is that there are two mountains in Nagano prefecture called Mount Yari, or yarigatake. In Japanese they are spelt as such: 槍ヶ岳 and 鑓ヶ岳
The former is quite famous, 3180m tall. Whereas it seems that the latter has been given the same elevation, and has a link to the incorrect wikipedia page.
This is the famous Yari, 3180m, located on the border of Omachi and Matsumoto:
This is the lesser known Yari, 2903m, located in Hakuba
Could someone please correct the elevation and wikipedia link for the latter mountain or grant me permission to do so?