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Japanese Mountains mixed up  XML
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Joined: 26/05/2023 04:17:33
Messages: 1

Hey, I was looking at Japanese mountain data and I noticed that there are two mountains that are getting mixed up. Unfortunately, my user level is not high enough to be able to change the data myself, if I could raise that level I would be happy to fix this and fill out more information about the mountains that I love.

The problem is that there are two mountains in Nagano prefecture called Mount Yari, or yarigatake. In Japanese they are spelt as such: 槍ヶ岳 and 鑓ヶ岳

The former is quite famous, 3180m tall. Whereas it seems that the latter has been given the same elevation, and has a link to the incorrect wikipedia page.

This is the famous Yari, 3180m, located on the border of Omachi and Matsumoto:

This is the lesser known Yari, 2903m, located in Hakuba

Could someone please correct the elevation and wikipedia link for the latter mountain or grant me permission to do so?

Joined: 08/12/2005 07:39:47
Messages: 4472

thanks a lot. I have corrected the links and wrong elevation.


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