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Names in Ukranian vs Russian (eg: Odesa vs Odessa, etc) for locations in Ukraine  XML
Forum Index -> Discussion of GeoNames Toponyms
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Joined: 09/07/2010 00:45:45
Messages: 8

Apologies beforehand if this was already discussed elsewhere but I didn't find it.

Currently the entry for Odesa in Ukraine is using the traditional spelling (which I believe to be in Russian) for its name. Wikipedia and several international media organizations have been moving away from the historical spelling to the Ukrainian one.

I mention Odesa specifically because it was the one brought to us by one of our users, but the issue is likely happening with others too. I see that Kyiv has already been updated (from Kiev), but there's probably others still using the historical spelling. Not sure if there's a way to do a batch update so that thisĀ is not done piecemeal. I'm not Ukrainian, so I'm not much of help there I'm afraid.

Anyhow, if possible, can the preferred name for Odesa be updated?

Joined: 08/12/2005 07:39:47
Messages: 4472

thanks for pointing this out. I have updated the name to Odesa.



Joined: 12/08/2023 12:06:46
Messages: 1
Location: Kyiv, Ukraine

Hi @mark! Found that Kyiv Oblast has 2 English variants (both Ukranian and Russian).
On some services that relies on GeoNames database "Kyiv Oblast" continues to use short russian variant.

 en 	English 	Kiev 		  					
 en 	English 	Kyiv 		

Joined: 08/12/2005 07:39:47
Messages: 4472

Hi Olexandr

Thanks for pointing this out. There was still an alternatename in English 'Kiev' not marked as historic. I have now marked it as historic.

Best Regards


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