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How can I help ?
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86 marc 1220877 08/10/2024 17:05:51
lohzq88 [Latest Reply]
Import GeoNames dump into Postgres
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26 marc 1188236 02/09/2022 11:29:34
pierrey [Latest Reply]
what are the "feature codes" used in GeoNames?
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29 marc 806411 01/06/2020 22:31:13
chukko [Latest Reply]
Import GeoNames dump into SQL Server 17 marc 679449 20/11/2017 18:03:23
jonilviv [Latest Reply]
I have problems using the webservice with blanks and special characters 19 marc 893865 19/03/2017 09:21:54
nmfr [Latest Reply]
Importing the GeoNames Dump into mysql
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28 marc 793285 03/10/2015 17:48:27
dungnvph03125 [Latest Reply]
Permission denied to call method 10 marc 507300 09/08/2008 17:08:41
marc [Latest Reply]
Reliability of GeoName IDs 2 odarriba 52394 19/11/2024 17:02:27
kwalcock [Latest Reply]
"Authorization Error, please login" while editing certain names 16 Torguy 377025 12/11/2024 18:21:55
jkaz [Latest Reply]
Incorrect Name on feature 0 d.vertz 35136 24/09/2024 20:11:35
d.vertz [Latest Reply]
SocketError: Other side closed 0 coltontvb 90148 26/09/2023 16:56:49
coltontvb [Latest Reply]
how can you enforce the creation of two items with the same name just a few kilometers apart? 0 zilvergrijte 93185 18/08/2023 22:31:16
zilvergrijte [Latest Reply]
Missing postal codes 0 krispy 113588 05/06/2023 09:32:57
krispy [Latest Reply]
Bug - Different latitude and longitude in API and normal search 0 sagilapidot 102710 05/06/2023 09:32:56
sagilapidot [Latest Reply]
Salzburg - Authorization error, please login 0 joyteam 97043 18/05/2023 21:13:46
joyteam [Latest Reply]
Authorization error, please login 0 lopezcjf 91935 01/05/2023 09:19:45
lopezcjf [Latest Reply]
adding locations 2 cmarien 111362 24/04/2023 16:56:01
verznet [Latest Reply]
Database location/naming error reporting 5 domix909 123657 17/03/2023 16:11:16
markpeng0315 [Latest Reply]
How to get a city name using coordinates 0 piccolo 101790 03/03/2023 15:51:02
piccolo [Latest Reply]
User level and batch update proposals 4 tfardet 103894 10/02/2023 21:42:21
tfardet [Latest Reply]
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