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Discussion of GeoNames Toponyms [XML]
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Wrong French translation of United Kingdom 0 maclas 129307 16/02/2022 10:29:02
maclas [Latest Reply]
French translation edit of United States 0 maclas 121071 16/02/2022 10:29:02
maclas [Latest Reply]
Wrong official language of South Korea in countryInfo.txt 0 taekhoyou 119487 25/01/2022 22:44:25
taekhoyou [Latest Reply]
Wrong naming of geographical points in Georgia 1 zmatch 87626 25/01/2022 22:44:28
zmatch [Latest Reply]
Name change for id 735975 0 88289 21/11/2021 23:00:27 [Latest Reply]
Island info 1 BeckyTodd 80887 11/11/2021 21:41:13
marc [Latest Reply]
Wrong location of Ames Range in Antarctica 0 IMDashti 79991 04/11/2021 14:52:15
IMDashti [Latest Reply]
Wrong rock near Saint Helena 0 IMDashti 79040 04/11/2021 14:52:15
IMDashti [Latest Reply]
Name of Dominican Republic in Spanish is wrong 0 discoverik 45902 04/11/2021 14:52:15
discoverik [Latest Reply]
Romanisation of Ukrainian and Belarusian 0 hadjek 59756 05/08/2021 14:50:18
hadjek [Latest Reply]
Location of Cruzen Island is inaccurate 1 IMDashti 44141 22/06/2021 18:21:05
marc [Latest Reply]
Harbour location is inaccurate 0 IMDashti 49382 11/06/2021 21:51:27
IMDashti [Latest Reply]
Another wrongly-placed duplicate for Cuba 0 IMDashti 44391 11/06/2021 21:51:27
IMDashti [Latest Reply]
Building in middle of ocean 0 IMDashti 44193 11/06/2021 21:51:27
IMDashti [Latest Reply]
Wrongly-placed locality is duplicate 0 IMDashti 43800 11/06/2021 21:51:27
IMDashti [Latest Reply]
Latitude should be corrected for Alvorada 0 IMDashti 45308 11/06/2021 21:51:27
IMDashti [Latest Reply]
Wrongly-placed bank location 0 IMDashti 44290 11/06/2021 21:51:27
IMDashti [Latest Reply]
Official country names 4 Boghy 52152 16/05/2021 22:44:09
thills [Latest Reply]
Missing short names in lang=en for United States of America 0 thills 38461 16/05/2021 22:44:23
thills [Latest Reply]
How can I get unique major cities in the world 0 kiran.kesarkar 35946 16/05/2021 22:44:09
kiran.kesarkar [Latest Reply]
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