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admin2Codes.txt  XML
Forum Index -> Administrative Divisions
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david masclet

Joined: 26/11/2007 11:49:58
Messages: 67


i would like to know if the admin2Codes.txt file is extracted every day or if he is static? with my java project (gisgraphy) i try to detect the errors. i have done a module to extract an adm3 an adm4 file from one or more country file.

i found an adm3 in the DE.txt file: DE.06.2910829.03254 Landkreis Hildesheim
but no DE.06.2910829 can be found in the admin2Codes.txt even if there is an adm with this id in the DE.txt file. So if the admin2Codes.txt is extracted from the country file i think it should have this entry.

if the admin2Codes.txt is static, i may try to do the same stuff for adm1 and adm2

thanks in advance.


Joined: 08/12/2005 07:39:47
Messages: 4420


It is dynamically generated. Where did you find the coresponding ADM2?


david masclet

Joined: 26/11/2007 11:49:58
Messages: 67


in the DE.txt file on line 107316 :

2910829 Regierungsbezirk Hannover Regierungsbezirk Hannover 52.5 9.0 A ADMD DE 06 0

it is an ADMD but i think it should be referenced or changed to an adm2, what the use of ADMD?


Joined: 08/12/2005 07:39:47
Messages: 4420


ADMD is a generic code for administrative divisions where we don't know the level or where it does not make sense to speak of a level.

In this case it is a historic administrative division that does no longer exist :

It should be deleted, but as it is still referenced we have temporarily moved it to ADMD before we delete it completely.


david masclet

Joined: 26/11/2007 11:49:58
Messages: 67

hi there is some other example :

feature with id = 2791466 in belgium has an adm1 code and is of 'ADMD' type so it should be of ADM2 type

same thing for 2830841 Bezirk Spandau in the DE file

i found those with a search on 'ADMD' on the search engine on the main page of geonames

maybe it could be usefull do do a search on every admd that have some adm code and update them do the correct ADMX

during my import i also found some missing adm2 in the adm2codes.txt :

Shahrestān-e Gorgān in iran with 449646 is missing (there is no adm for iran in the adm2code.txt) in the adm2codes.txt. and seems duplicate with the admd 68315



Joined: 08/12/2005 07:39:47
Messages: 4420

Hi David

It is hard to find uptodate data that is compatible with a free license. So we have to make do with the data we have and this is not fully consistent. Administrative divisions are particularly hard as they are a a moving target. So we decided to keep inconsistent data in order to not loose information. It would be very simple to set everything to 'null' to get a consistent state.

If they are changes in administrative divisions then we only know that the admin is obsolete, but for many users it is usefull information to know that a place once belonged to this or that admin division.


david masclet

Joined: 26/11/2007 11:49:58
Messages: 67


two questions :

if i understand some ADMD can be considered as old adm, and you don't want to update them.

what do you think about the fact that no adm are exported to the adm2codes.txt file even if there is some in the country file(that is not an admd but an second-order administrative division? ( Shahrestān-e Gorgān in iran with id 449646 is missing (there is no adm for iran in the adm2code.txt) ):

. maybe there is a problem with the extract...

sorry to talk about two different subjects in a same thread. i'll try to do one thread per subject next time


Joined: 08/12/2005 07:39:47
Messages: 4420


The problem in this case is that it links to admin1code 37, which no longer exists.


david masclet

Joined: 26/11/2007 11:49:58
Messages: 67


the adm1 IR.37 is extracted in the adm1codes.txt but i still i thought that the fact that there is no adm2 extracted for the iran is strange. are all the adm2 in iran obsolete? i find 324 records found for "adm2" in iran :

sorry to insist but i really want to understand...


Joined: 08/12/2005 07:39:47
Messages: 4420

sorry, you are right.

I was looking at the wrong column. The reason is that the ADM2 don't have any codes associated with them.
What we could do is assign them the geonameid as code if we don't know the real code.
The 'real' code is usually the code used by the statistical office of the country and generally in use (like the INSEE code in France)


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