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Different continents shown for Cyprus and Timor Leste  XML
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Joined: 14/10/2022 20:38:27
Messages: 19

Hi Team,

the css country codes attached to the continents seem to show the continents countries. On the other hand the countryInfo.txt file has continent codes for each country.
Asia (6255147) shows CY (Cyprus) and TL (Timor Leste) amongst others in it's ccs list.
countryInfo.txt shows for Cyprus Europe as continent and for Timor Leste Oceania.

I think countryInfo.txt is correct. If that is true, please correct the css lists!

Kind regards,

Have fun
Cheers Andreas

Joined: 08/12/2005 07:39:47
Messages: 4431

Hi Andreas

For Timor Leste I think we could put it into Asia in the countryInfo.txt file to reduce an inconsistency.

For Cyprus it is more difficult as it belongs both to Europe and Asia. Geographically is it closer to Asia and cultural and historically more to Europe.
The UN M49 standard puts Cyprus into Western Asia. At the other hand it is part of the EU and Eurozone, has close ties to Europe and is considered to be part of Europe in many other standards.
Having it modeled on both continents is not completely wrong.

Best Regards



Joined: 14/10/2022 20:38:27
Messages: 19

Thank you Marc for this clear analysis! I agree that this modeling for Cyprus is the best option avialable.
Kind regards

Have fun
Cheers Andreas

Joined: 14/10/2022 20:38:27
Messages: 19

Hi Marc,

Timor Leste has still Oceania as continent in countryInfo.txt.
Could you switch it to Asia as proposed?
Asia seems clearly correct - see

Best regards,

Have fun
Cheers Andreas
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