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Daily GeoNames database extract sometimes missing  XML
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Joined: 14/10/2022 20:38:27
Messages: 19

Hi dear team!
I have a daily job running (at 6.25 am) to download the daily extract and update my local geonames data. The job checks the current date and calculates the filenames for download (the last update of my local geonames db is also checked to see whether the daily update is appropriate or the full update is needed). If the calculated files are not available I get an email.

Sometimes the files are created after 6.25 am - in that case I repeate the run manually and everything is fine.

Sometimes it seems to me that the daily files for a specific day are not created at all. My job makes a full update if he sees that the last daily update did not happen.

My question is:
In case the files for a specific day were not delivered, does the next daily file cover 2 days? Or is this next daily file unusable because it just covers the last day and do I, in that case, actually need the full update and neglect the daily files?

Example today, 2024-05-04 9.45am:
The daily files currently available are
both created 2024-05-02 04 am.
Will there be a modifications-2024-05-02.txt?
Or will the next modifications-2024-05-03.txt cover 2 days?

Thanks for help!
Kindest regards, Andreas

Have fun
Cheers Andreas
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