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Adding administrative divisions to Toronto PPLs  XML
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Joined: 21/02/2024 00:03:01
Messages: 5

Hi there,

We've noticed that PPL features in Toronto do not have Toronto in their hierarchy at ADM2 or ADM3 level e.g. Liberty Village. They are direct children of Ontario. Contrast this to other cities where PPL features do have a local admin representing the city in their hierarchy e.g. Prairie Shores has Chicago in its hierarchy.

My question is why is this the case in Toronto? and is it consistent with standards if PPL features in Toronto have an ADM2 or ADM3 added to their hierarchy?


Joined: 08/12/2005 07:39:47
Messages: 4431

Hi Jesse

For the ADM3 we have recently added ADM3 with boundary polygons (the former municipalities).
We have not yet run the update of the adm2 and adm3 codes as we are not sure whether it is correct to consider the former municipalities as ADM3 or whether we should change them to ADM3H and not update the adm3 codes of the features within.

Best Regards



Joined: 21/02/2024 00:03:01
Messages: 5

Hi Marc,

Thanks for the info. The adm3 aside, would it not make sense at least to add Toronto County as adm2 for these suburbs of Toronto? Not having any adm2 or adm3 codes does not seem consistent with other cities so is a data quality issue we would like to fix if possible.

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