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Possible incorrect Admin names in Mexico  XML
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Joined: 13/01/2023 20:46:42
Messages: 4

Good day,

There are several records in MEX that do not look like real settlement names. The length of the names is excessive but I am not sure of the correct names of these locations.

POI_ID=11076835, POI_NAME=”Fondo de la Vivienda del Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado San Manuel”;

POI_ID=11077446, POI_NAME=”Fondo de la Vivienda del Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado San Roque”;

POI_ID=11076947, POI_NAME=”Instituto del Fondo Nacional de la Vivienda para los Trabajadores Doce de Mayo de Mil Novecientos Dieciocho”;

POI_ID=11077097, POI_NAME=”Instituto del Fondo Nacional de la Vivienda para los Trabajadores Bosques de San Sebastian Seccion II”.


Joined: 08/12/2005 07:39:47
Messages: 4431

thanks, for pointing these out. I have deleted them as the features don't seem to be relevant.

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