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Italy - Provinces  XML
Forum Index -> Administrative Divisions
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Joined: 06/04/2007 23:37:04
Messages: 14

There are a lot of problems with admin2 subdivision in Italy for example Piemonte has 8 "province" but the db dump show only 5. Is it possible to solve this problem using the wiki area or it is a privileged job?
I am reorganizing your database for the greater country in Europe for using that in a big web project, so I am finding a lot of errors.
I would like to provide my help for adjust that errors.
My database structure is

parent_id INT NOT NULL,
name VARCHAR(255) NULL,
country_code CHAR(3) NULL,
feature_class CHAR(1) NULL,
parent_code CHAR(2) NULL,
admin1name VARCHAR(255) NULL,
admin1code CHAR(2) NULL,
admin2name VARCHAR(255) NULL,
admin2code CHAR(2) NULL,
admin3name VARCHAR(255) NULL,
admin3code CHAR(2) NULL,
INDEX Zones_FKIndex1(parent_id),
FOREIGN KEY(parent_id)

My objective is to create a hierarchical tree structure for the European bigger country.

Joined: 08/12/2005 07:39:47
Messages: 4418

It is true, our data base is missing some 'new' provinces for Italy. has 94 provinces for Italy, but there are now 110 provinces. 16 provinces are missing in the geonames data base. There was a restructure in Italy in 1995 and our database is missing these 'new' entries.

It would be fantastic if you could help us fix this problem. You can add the 16 missing provinces with the wiki interface. Only the assignment of the admincode2 is a bootstrapping effort and has to be done directly on the database. I will take care of this.

Next step will be admin level 3 for Italy. For adm3 we have as good as nothing (144 our of 8100 communes).



Joined: 06/04/2007 23:37:04
Messages: 14

You are slightly wrong. In Italy we have 107 Provinces:
not 110...
I did a few of corrections but how can I count all adm2 for italy?
show me only 50 how about to see the others?

Joined: 08/12/2005 07:39:47
Messages: 4418

You are right, I have only read the first paragraph of the wikipedia entry :
Attualmente le province italiane sono territorialmente 110, cui corrispondono 109 Amministrazioni Provinciali, suddivise in 20 regioni. 

further down they write :
nel 2004 il Parlamento ha istituito le 3 province di Monza e della Brianza, di Fermo e di Barletta-Andria-Trani che diverranno operative nel 2009 portando il numero complessivo delle province a 110 (inclusa la Valle d'Aosta). 

It means now there are 107 Italian provinces and in 2009 they will be 110 provinces in Italy.

You can add the parameter maxRows to the search url to display more rows :


Joined: 06/04/2007 23:37:04
Messages: 14

How can you change all the cities from the previous province to the new one? Is it a manual procedure? Or do you have an automatic or semiautomatic procedure?

Joined: 08/12/2005 07:39:47
Messages: 4418

I have added the adminCode2 to all Italian provinces.

Normally we determine provinces with the use of boundary shape files. For the new provinces we don't have any shape files and we will have to find an other solution. If you know of some simple rules like 'everything north of this latitude is part of this new province' we can do a batch update directly on the database.


Joined: 06/04/2007 23:37:04
Messages: 14

I don't think it could be possible... to determine a rectangular shape, I think you have to insert the new province boundary file. And go batching.

Joined: 08/12/2005 07:39:47
Messages: 4418

Do you know where we can get the new province boundary file?

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