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Scraping data from  XML
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Joined: 09/10/2018 08:46:15
Messages: 1

I have created a non-commercial project that involves scraping countries data from, such as country neighbors, names, currencies etc.
I attached the license to it and attributed the website. Is there anything else I should do?
Thank you and have a great week!

Joined: 08/12/2005 07:39:47
Messages: 4420

With 'scraping' I understand you are parsing html pages and you are not simply downloading the files from the download section. The data you mention is all included in the countryInfo file:

Why do you scrape? GeoNames provides a lot of data in the download section licensed under cc-by. There is no need to scrape. At the contrary scraping is generating an unwanted load to the server for data which is already prepared for download and data which is not included in the download is probably included in the premium data and deliberately not included in the free download.

Please delete your project as it is not fair to scrape. Thanks.


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