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Need to be above level 1 to delete an incorrect entry  XML
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Joined: 21/08/2018 14:51:45
Messages: 2

I am trying to remove an incorrect entry for Clachnaben (2652979) but am not permitted because I am level 1. How do I deal with this?

The entry is in the wrong place and has an inconsistent height in relation to local contours. The place is already correctly labelled on maps, so this entry should be deleted rather than moved. I suspect it is showing in the wrong place because the position data lacks precision.

Joined: 08/12/2005 07:39:47
Messages: 4431

H Richard

Which is the geonameid of the second entry? I can find only one entry for Clachnaben.

Best Regards



Joined: 21/08/2018 14:51:45
Messages: 2

There is only one entry for Clachnaben in Geonames, but it is in the wrong place. Clachnaben is usually named on maps so that in apps that use OpenStreetMap, for example, and Geonames, Clachnaben appears twice. The Geonames entry could be move to correct it - I think it needs a new altitude too- but I think it would be better deleted.

Joined: 23/12/2012 02:10:03
Messages: 14
Location: Doembang Nangbuat, Th

If you know the endtry is incorrect, why don't you move it and correct the altitude? You are the only person who has the correct data.

Just as well you are not allowed to delete it...
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