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Joined: 26/07/2018 08:05:44
Messages: 1

Hi there, GeoNames community, I'm working on Wikipedia FR and Wikidata, and I need to create some new zones and woredas in Ethiopia as well as removing old ones. The administrative delimitations change so often that it's hard to keep track of it, and there is a lot of mistake here on GeoNames. I'm here to help, but I can't modify/delete as my user level is too low (1). Is there any way to get that level up a bit so I can keep on working ?

Have a nice day,
Raphaël / denfer007

Joined: 08/12/2005 07:39:47
Messages: 4431

Hi Raphaël

I have increased your userlevel.

Thanks for your contribution.

Best Regards



Joined: 17/05/2021 13:46:11
Messages: 1


I would like to change one typo in location name in Finland, but it requires user level 2. How can I get upgrade from level 1 to 2?
Forum Index -> FAQ - frequently asked questions
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