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I can't create a populated place that overlap a historical populated place  XML
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Joined: 22/11/2017 14:48:48
Messages: 2

The places 'Son' (2747010) and 'Breugel' (2758336) (both part of the municipality 'Son en Breugel' (2747009) merged in 2011 to the place 'Son en Breugel' (and is still part of the municipality ' Son en Breugel'). 'Son' and 'Breugel' are in GeoNames historical populated places, but the place 'Son en Breugel' is not added to GeoNames. I've tried to add 'Son en Breugel' as a populated place, but I can't because when I do I get the message that I'm trying to duplicate a record, but I am sure that 'Son en Breugel' is not yet included in GeoNames.

Url resolutions municipality Son en Breugel concerning the merging of 'Son'. and 'Breugel' tot 'Son en Breugel': (I am sorry, it is in Dutch)

I hope somebody can tell me why I can't add 'Son and Breugel' as a place.


Joined: 08/12/2005 07:39:47
Messages: 4431

Hi Heleen

I think you are confusing things in particular the difference between administrative divisions and populated places.
Son and Breugel are not historic populated places, they still exist. At least I can see houses on the satellite images. 'historic' means the houses have been abandoned or destroyed.

They might be considered PPLX (section of populated place) if you want to express that they are part of a bigger entiy. In this case I don't have the impression this would be correct. On the satellite images they look rather distinct. I have changed them back to PPL.

I have added Son en Breugel as PPLA2 and moved the postalcodes from Son to it

Best Regards



Joined: 22/11/2017 14:48:48
Messages: 2

Hi Marc,

Thank you for your helpful repsonse.

Best regards,

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