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Duplicate ADM2s in Cambodia  XML
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Joined: 20/04/2015 23:02:42
Messages: 2


There a handful of apparent duplicates in the Cambodia ADM2 dataset. I tried to correct via the editor but was denied due to insufficient user privilege.

The first one I attempted was Banteay Meas. It is present as 9034994 and 9034995. Both created by jpowell on May 9, 2014. I attempted to remove the 4995 entry as it was created later and also had no additional history, as 4994 did.

If my privilege cannot be elevated at this time to correct this, can someone with sufficient privilege take care of it?

I can provide a list of other duplicates as well.

Many Thanks,

Joined: 08/12/2005 07:39:47
Messages: 4420

thanks Robert. I have deleted it. I am interested in your list of duplicates to clean them up.

Best Regards



Joined: 20/04/2015 23:02:42
Messages: 2

Thanks for looking into this, Marc.

Here are the other Cambodia ADM2s that have duplicates:

Kampong Tranch (3 separate entries)
Kang Meas (2 entries)
Preah Netr Preah (2 entries)

Also stumbled across this island duplicate:
Keep: 1905192 Kas Prins, Remove: 8441937 Kas Prins

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