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Admin Code1 in files with postal codes.  XML
Forum Index -> Postal Codes
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Joined: 11/10/2008 14:13:42
Messages: 3


I want to attach information about postal codes to main database with administrative-territorial division. Both tables with administrative-territorial division and tables with postal codes have field for admin1 code. But these codes are different. Does any tables of their correspondance exist? Where can I find them?

Thank you in advance.

Joined: 08/12/2005 07:39:47
Messages: 4431

Hi Kurush

The geoname tables are mainly using fips codes whereas the postal code tables are using iso codes. The idea is to use iso codes in both tables.
I have started to map them. The information available so far is on the country admin div page:



Joined: 30/01/2024 12:56:49
Messages: 1

Hi Marc

I am reusing the same thread, as, as Kurush, I need to link postal codes to the related geoname entry but have trouble with iso vs fip;
in which downloadable file would I be able to connect ADM1 iso to fip codes?

thank you in advance
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